Triglav Tower

This project was one of my favourites!

In collaboration with National Museum of Slovenia, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Mangart production (and many others) we created 1:1 replica of Triglav tower (also called Aljaž tower or in Slovenian “Aljažev stolp”). While creating this replica we were also filming an amazing documentary called “Aljažev stolp: Ta pleh ima dušo” , which captures the history and importance of this symbol for our nation.


Aljažev Stolp Skupinska

Together with Miha Moric we were responsible to create the tower from scratch, meaning all the metal and blacksmithing work was done by us. I’m honored to be one of the team, which has a picture on the top of Slovenia not with one, but with two towers! The replica is now safely stored in a museum. So, if you don’t feel like climbing to Triglav, you can always go check it out in town.


You can find more about the project in the links below (In Slovenian Language)

Link to the documentary: RTV Slovenia Archive
Article about the project by National Museum of Slovenia about the project
Delo’s article about the original and replica

Shoots from the documentary